Selasa, 19 Februari 2019

1. School : General Information and Academic Administration

1.1    School Profile
Mariano Marcos State University have 2 laboratory high school (LHS) , they are located are in Batac and Laoag Citya. Sea Teacher program Batch 7 had the opportunity to teach in laboratory high school in Batac, Ilocos Norte. The locatation of the laboratory school in  Cannayan Barangay City, number 7 of Batac Province Ilocos Norte. Region I, Division of Batac.  Laboratory school in Batac has 3 level of education offered there are elementary school ( grade 1 to grade 6 ), secondary school ( grade 7 to grade 10 ), and senior high school (grade 11 to grade 12).  And I was assigned to do my practice in secondary school. 
The head master of the school is Ms. Resurreccion M. Mateo. Teacher Biology in secondary school is Prof.Alegria Josephine S.Quitola, she is my Teacher Training Teacher (TTI) for Biology. There is only one number of classes in each grade level. In grade 7 there are 23 students. In grade 8 there are 24 students. In grade 9 there are 27 students. In grade 10 there are 34 students. There are 108 total number of students all in all. Every class has a section or class name for identify like  grade 7 is Archimedes, grade 8 Charles, grade 9 Einstein, Grade 10 Galen. 
The school start at 7.30 am to 5 pm. Every Monday there are flag ceremony for student grade 7 to grade 12, and it held on the field secondary school.The school building has 2 floor. There are laboratory high school MMSU in Batac, there are Biology laboratory, Chemistry laboratory and Physic laboratory this facilities really support for student activity.
Vision of School
The High School – Science Curriculum is envisioned to provide training of the scientifically  
gifted youth who shall be the source of leaders and professionals in science & Technology.
Mission of School
1.   To provide gifted students a holistic education marked by excellence in science, mathematics, and technology, humanistic in spirit and nationalistic in orientation.
2.   To be the model high school in national class resources & comprehensive for education, research and development.
Our Goals of School
1.      To develop and prepare students for Science & Technology careers.
2.  To equip students with knowledge, skills, virtues to prepare them for a responsible leadership and citizenship.
Our Objectives of School
1.       To identify, screen and assess gifted and talented children for science & technology.
2.      To stimulate, develop and prepare students to enter careers in science and mathematics.
3.       To provide the conditions for the development of a set of values acceptable to theindividual and society.

1.2   Academic support system
           Academic support system in MMSU LHS provide some facilities and models in teaching to improve activity student and knowledge of the student. The teacher usually make attractive presentation to make the student interest to study by flashed some videos or make games. The teacher also make group activity, this is make the students finished problem by collaboration with their friends. The teacher also always give some question to the student to make the student active in the class. MMSU LHS also provide laboratory for science practicum there are Biology lab, Chemistry lab, and Physics lab. MMSU have science centrum and the school has school visit program there it makes the students touch, twist, hear and see science while having fun. Student in MMSU LHS also follow some competition to increase their experience.

1.3    Teaching system


        Teaching system in MMSU use student-centered so the student will be actively participate   in the class. The teacher use some activities for the student either by group or individual. The teacher usually give the student tasks to solve by making concept map, diagram van, or make table. Teacher also used some methods in class like oops number, bell jingle etc. The educational system is under K to 12 curriculum. In science, is also under the K to 12 curriculum wherein it employsthe spiral approach.

1.4.    Materials and other learning sources

The school does not provide any text books from  the government it makes the students use learning materials from commercial publishers or book companies based K to 12 compliant. The students also learned by the presentation of the teacher. Teaching materials or instructional materials are prepared by teachers based on online and printed sources.

1.5    Measurement and evaluation system
The teachers use assessment tools such as test papers, work sheets, performance tasks and other activities. Performance tasks are also measured with the rubrics as a basis in their performance. The teacher can also give assignments such as home works.

1.6   Curriculum
General curriculum they used is K-12. In this curriculum classroom assessment is an integral part of curriculum implementation. It allows the teachers to measure learner's progress and to adjust instruction accordingly. Classroom assessment informs the learners, as well as their parents and guardians, of their progress. MMSU-LHS grade 7,8,9 used curriculum K-12 but in grade 10 still use Science curriculum. Grade 7,8,9 consume 1 hour to study and grade 10 consume 1,5 hour. Curriculum K to 12 designed around the three domains of learning science : understanding and applying scientific knowledge in local setting as well as global, context whenever possible, performing scientific processes and skills, and developing and demonstrating scientific attitudes and values.

1.7   Teaching plan
Before we teach we should make lesson plan and decided for the objectives the material, concept and learning procedure. Lesson plan made by writing on the paper not type but this is depend of the subject for Biology the lesson plan is writing. The teacher also prepare presentation about the topic. Teacher also make complete activity in lesson plan there are teacher activity and student activity.


1.1    Teaching methods of the teacher that you observed
In the school the teacher used some methods like discussion, outdoor activity, opps number, bell strategy, and this methods to make students more communicative. In discussion time is the teacher give the student's group activity so they can solve the problem by the group.
Outdoor activity is used when the student do activity, not in the classroom but also outside of the learning environment, it makes the students more active too because student can know the appliy his/her learnings in reality or in the real world and also give them experiences, especially in biology it’s really useful.  Opss number is a game wherein the teacher assign each of the students their number and if the teacher will say "opss number 1". All number 1 students should stand up and the last one to stand should answer the question. This games is really interesting. The other methods is bell strategy so the teacher and the student will sing together and after the song end the student who get the bell should answer the question. The teacher always make games in the classroom. This is one of the strategy to make fun in the class and make the student brave talk even if is wrong or right.

1.2    Learning Materials and Innovation

Materials commonly used text book. The teacher also make presentation based on the topic, and some teacher used video  presentations too. The teacher not also use presentation as the material but board and chalk too.The teacher tell the topic by writing on the board and give chance to the student answer by write in the board. Teacher always creative too make materials like make part of neuron used (marshmallow), make 3D cap about brain, So the student more interesting to learn especially biology make easy to apply.  

1.3   Sources of learning and technology

 MMSU-LHS provide projector in each the classroom so the teacher can teach by the power point presentation. Teacher also used video as the activity for the student. Sources of learning we got too from the book and our TTI (Teacher Training Instructure).

1.4   Authentic assessment

Teacher used assessment from concept mapping, group discussion, graded recitation, quiz on the topic, reporting, and move-exam. Every activity of the student, teacher should input to the record book of the students.

3.Teaching Plan

   Lesson plan :
          A.    Detail Lesson Plan In Integrated Science (Biology) Grade IX
                                    Population Density 
I.                    Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to :
           A.    Define population density, limiting factors, and carrying capacity.
           B.     Calculate population density. 
           C.     Identify and describe the affect population density.

II.                 Subject Matter
            A.    Topic : population density
            B.     Materials :
-          Board and marker
-          Projector
-          Laptop
-          Power point presentation
-          Book
-          Work sheets
-          Video presentation
-          Illustration board
             C.     Concept
-          Population : is the number of people living in an area.
-          Population density : is the number of people living on a square kilometre of land.
-          Limiting factors : anything that limits the size of a population like certain environmental conditions.
-          Carrying capacity : the maximum population size an environment can support.
-          Calculate of density
Population density = number of individuals
                                   Size of area
             D.    References
-          Grade IX learner’s material (Biology) page.9
-          Retrieved 

I.                    Learning Procedure
A.    Prelimiry Activity

Teacher Activity
Student Activity
      Good Afternoon class 

      Berfore we start, please arrange youre chairs and keep quiet

Very good class!

      For today I will be your teacher. My name is Nova Sri Lestari. I am from Indonesia one of the participants sea teacher program

    Before we start the class, who will lead the prayer?

      Okay class, is there anyone absen today?

      Okay, Good 
                Good afternoon Ma’am

                        Yes, Ma’am

    I will do it Ma’am (one student rise hand)


                        No Ma’am

B.    Review 
Teacher Activity
Student Activity
      Ok class, last week teacher owen talked about biodiversity and evolution. Can anyone tell something about that? Now can you tell me something about.
     What is Biodiversity? 

      Ok Good answer. How about communities?, Christian

   Very good Cristian. How about the formula of index of diversity?, Angelo

Correct, Thank you Angelo
   Biodiversity is the variety of life in an area

     Communities with many different species (a high index of diversity) will be able to withstand. Environmental changes better than communities with only a few species (a low index of diversity)  

     To calculate the index of diversity using the given formula index of diversity. Population density : 
 number of species × number of runs number of trees

C. Presentation 

Teacher Activity
Student Activity
      Before we start our lesson. I will show the video and please take your note.

     What is the video all about?

      Corret. So today we will discuss about population density.
Yes, Ma’am

           Population density Ma’am

D. Discussion

Student Activity
      Okay class before we proceed to our topic. I will flash pictures. Anyone have an idea. What is picture number 1 and number 2 tell about?

      Okay good answer. So how about populations density. Any idea what is that?

      Good answer. So population density is a measure of the number of organisms that make up a population is a defined area. Population density is usually shown as the number of people per square kilometre. What are the applications of population density?

      That is good answer!
      So population density can applices to the plants that make up vast crops, trees of the jungle. Animal on the farm, fish in the ocean, human on the planet.

       And here I have line graph about population of the Philippine eagle. Anyone have an idea what is the factor of population Philippine eagle decreasing for 7th years?

     Okay that’s good. Based on these factors anyone who can tell what is it?

      Yes that’s true. Limiting factor is a condition of the environment that limit the growth of a species limiting factors control population growth. So anyone who has an idea about the limiting factors of population density?

      Okay that’s correct and these are the limiting factors. Is it clear?

      So let’s proceed to density dependent and density independent. Last go first to the density dependent factors class. Read what is being flashed.


    Alright! Can you give me the factors of the density dependent? 

  That’s good. Density dependent factors only come into play when the population reaches a certain level the larger the population, stronger is the impact.

    Last proceed to the next which is all about density independent. Every body read.

       Alright! Can you give me the factors of density independent?

      That’s goos. These are the factors which do not have size constraint. They are effective in the case of both, large populations and small populations.Is it clear class?

      That’s right the number of individuals that survive on the island. Which dependent on the quantity of resources, such as food and water, available in the ecosystem. So the picture shows about carrying capacity. Please everyone read.

      Okay, that’s good.
      Okay class this is the formula for population density.
     Population density = number of individuals /   Size of area 
     The unit depends can use per square kilometre, per square meter, per square centimetre.

      Here I have an example about
       Population density = 106.898

                                   34, 472
                                = 3,10 per square

                   Is it clear class?    

    So les’s now proceed to the activity and this will be done by group. I will divide you into five groups by counting off one to five. Lest start here.

       Okay class, go now to your respective groups. I will flash some problems in which the number and area given. All you have to do is to calculate population density.  
       I will give an illustration board and write your answer there. The first one who raises the illustration board with the correct answer will get two points while the other group who are late to raise with a correct, there will get one point but if it’s not correct, there will be no point. Are you ready?
      Picture number 1 is a population of elephant Ma’am. Population is a groups of individuals belonging to the same species that live in the same region and picture number 2 is a communities Ma’am. Communities is a different population of organism who lived is a same area. (student rise hand)

      Yes, Ma’am. I think population density is the number of individuals per unit area.

    Tress, plants, animal, human. Ma’am (one student will raise hand)

      The factors are hunting, pollution and habitat Ma’am. (student will rise hand)

      Yes Ma’am. It’s limiting factor

     Yes Ma’am. I think the limiting factors of population destisity are food, water habitat, light temperature

                            Yes, Ma’am

     Density dependent factors are those that depend on the population density. There are the factors whose effects in the population vary depending on the density of population. 

       Yes, Ma’am. Disease, competition  predators parasites and food.

     Density independent factors are the ones that are not dependent on the population density. They affect the species regardless of the species regardless of how dense the population is.
       Yes, Ma’am. These temperature, storms, floods, drought and even human activities.

                         Yes, Ma’am

      Carrying capacity is t   he number of individuals of a species that an ecosystem can support.

                           Yes, Ma’am

                     (students will count)

                          Ready ma'am 

E.  Evaluation 
Teacher Activity
Student Activity
      Okay class! We’ll be having a short quiz. I will give you worksheet to see how much you have learn. Please do it in 15minutes 

      Time this over. Please pass your papper.

      Research the following terms
      1.      Birth rate or natality rate
      2.      Death rate or mortality
      3.      Immigration and emigration 
                        Yes, Ma’am

1.1    Curriculum related to your major
      MMSU-LHS commonly used curriculum K to12. For Biology Grade 7,8, 9 used K-12 curriculum but for Grade 10 still used old curriculum is Science curriculum. 

1.2   Teaching plan related to your major
      Before start teaching, the teacher should prepare lesson plan first as teaching guideline in the class. One lesson plan is for 1 topic, some topic which a lot of objectives can be used for 2 section. Teacher should write down also the material will be used for teaching in the classroom. Teacher also prepare power point presentation based on the topic.  In the one of part of lesson plan teacher can make games to make the student active in class. The evaluation section teacher also make assessment by made quiz and prepare assignment for the student about the next topic. Student teacher who practicing in the MMSU-LHS the lesson plan will be checked by TTI (Teacher Training Instructure ) first. I Teach Biology and my lesson plan checked by ma’am quitola. Lesson plan make for 1 hour teach in class. After the lesson plan finished and already checked by TTI, teacher should prepare all the material before teaching and coming early before the class start because teacher should prepare like input the computer to projector and so on.

4.  Teaching Practice

1.1    Procedures of Teaching
First is our TTI (Teacher Training Instructure ) will give us the topic for teach, after that we make lesson plan by write down on the paper . In the lesson plan we should decide the objectives based on the topic, objective means we  write down the material should be reached by the student. So after the learn student get that information from the teacher. Then we write the material we need to teach like board and chalk, projector, worksheet, power point presentation and another material to support the learning. In the lesson plan of learning procedure part, we should write down teacher activity and student activity.
The first part as usual I greeting the student, check the attendance and pray together in the classroom, then I asked the student about last topic after that give them motivation using games or flashed video about the topic will be learn. After flashed video or play games I asked the student about the topic and the students will answer by the activity they did. Next is discussion time I do question and answer with the student and making group activity. The last is evaluation, I give the student assessment by individual test used quiz.

1.2   Time management and organizing activities
      I teach 7 grade and 9 grade here, so I teach for 1 hour. I will consume how long based on the part in the lesson plan. As usual in preliminary activities is 1 minute. For review is 5 minute, presentation 5 minute, discussion 30 minute, and the last part is 15 minute for evaluation. I did the activity in class based on the lesson plan so there’s no activity I forgot. And also before I start to teach I give my lesson plan to checked by ma’am quitola before a day I teach or some hour before teach.

1.3   Problem solving
I don’t know how to make lesson plan of Philippine, and luckily there are some student from MMSU-CTE teaching practice In there so I ask them to making lesson plan. Then I have experience that my time is still a lot but my topic already done delivered to the student, so what I do is thinking about another way by give the student more question.

1.4   Classroom management
      Class management really need especially to make the students concentrate to the teacher. So to make the student concentrate on me I give chance to all of the student to answer question I give and make some games in the class to make the student more active and enjoy. Honestly the students in MMSU-LHS they are really active and enthusiastic and easy to manage them in the class. I usually make group activity so to make the group I will make by count number base on the group I will make. And then if we’re already did group activity I ask the student to arrange the chairs.

6. Summary and Suggestion

1.1 Purposes of practicum
     I learned a lot about how to teach student in real, how to manage them how to make the students enjoy with us as the teacher. And this practice teaching program it’s really useful for us as student teacher college to improve our skill about how to teach the student and improve our skill make lesson plan. Practicum or teaching practice really we need before we will teach later  as the teacher, it give us picture about education world it is, this is like a chance to us to get more experience. I really so happy to can get a chance practice teacher in Philippine I got a lot of knowledge and experience there.

1.2     Procedures of practicum
     first is make lesson plan, prepare all the materials we need, make power point presentation, make some games and group activity to make the student active, give assessment by all the activities do, always give appreciate the student by say good answer, good question. Evaluation with TTI to know how your teaching in class. This is really useful to improve teaching in the next day.

1.3   Outcomes practicum
      After I’m teaching practice I got a lot of moment to be a teacher and I learned from my students too. I know to manage the students and I learned that when I teach in the class, I like to give chance to my students to answer or just read my presentation cause studens like give a chance like that. I now how to make lesson plan very well because my TTI ma’am quitola always give suggestion how to teach student in class. I learned how to management time too.

1.4   The challenges of practicum
      The challenges is the students is have different types of characteristic, there’re some students really active and there’s no.  so to make the students brave to speak up and active we need to call them to answer our question.

1.5   overall impersion
      Overall I really happy and enjoyed practice teaching in Philippine especially in MMSU-LHS. When I observed the teacher before I teach I learn a lot the method teacher use and I will applies to when I to be a teacher soon to my students. I got al tot of knowledge how to make lesson plan because it’s different make lesson plan in my country and Philippine and I like it. And it’s really interesting to know the children too they’re so kind ad welcoming us. As a teacher before I make lesson plan I sometime think abut the games should I used to make the students active and enjoyed, it’s really make me more creative. this is my first time teaching practice and I’m very happy can communicate with the student. I got a lot knowledge from my TTI, and My friends in Philippine. I just want to say thank you for all the people who support me and also seameo which is held this program. i just not learn from my country about education but I learn in the other country too.

1.6   suggestion for future improvement
      For the student next batch you’re just not prepare the lesson plan very well but you should good communicate in English. I learned so much when I teaching practice in Philippine they were so good in English. And also make a methods creative so the student can active and enjoyed in your class. 

Documentation :

      GRADE 7

        GRADE 9

  Ma'am Quitola out TTI ( Teacher Training Instructure )

 My Buddies

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